Moon Facts

full moon

  • The Moon is 4.5 billion years old.
  • The Moon always shows us the same face, even though both the earth and the moon are rotating.
  • The Moons Orbit of the Earth is 29.5 days.
  • The Moons own Rotation Cycle is 29 days (to revolve once)
  • The Moons Shape – The Moon is not sphere! It’s shaped like an egg. If you go outside and look up, one of the small ends is pointing right at you. It appears round to us because of the angle we are looking at it from. Its about 20% taller than it is wide!
  • The Moon affects the ocean tides through forces of gravity. This is of course fairly well known, but the Sun also causes the tides.
  • The Moons Orbit of the Earth stabilises our planets rotation and speed, in fact some scientists have commented that without the moon pulling the earth round, our days and nights might not exist and furthermore our seasons would not be as they are, in short the stabilisation of the earth’s rotation by the moon provides us with life as we know it.