7 Dec 2015

Getting the best from your Psychic readings – By Agnes

Seasons greetings to all clients and new callers,
Just a short blog today with some simple techniques to a successful reading.
If you can, turn of all electrical equipment that is not needed in the space you are having the reading. Spirits are sensitive beings and a  dimmed light or candle is preferred, Personally I work with candle light behind me and a black obsidian scrying mirror in front if me with a lot of incense burning ( I will blog again on appropriate incense for psychic work).
Noise and busy spaces can really block spirit coming through, try to lessen this by finding a quieter space.
The best readings are the ones that the client and reader work together in a open way. We work with sensitive energies and in order to open the veil to the spirit world and let them give messages they need to feel safe and respected. You can do this by taking a few moments before your reading to breathe, relax and set your intention to what you need answered.
Please allow a minute for the reader to tune in with your energies. Personally, I never ask probing questions but I do need a minute in silence after greeting you to the line to get a link.  That minute can make a huge difference to the quality of  your reading.
Readings can sap energies for two reasons –  spirit sometimes need to borrow some of ours to come through as well as talking about heart wrenching situations.  After your reading it is advisable to take a few moments and ground yourself.  Sweet tea can help and some time to reflect on the reading that has just taken place.
There have been times clients have sought my advice after having a disappointing reading. You should not see these as a waste of time nor money.  Instead reclaim your power instead of feeling down. Open your intuition to what the spirits really were saying.
For example, if a reader told you “don’t work as you’ll win the lottery one day.”  Are spirit telling the client that there is an abundance coming in their life but in a different form? An inexperienced reader has not interpreted spirits messages correctly and have passed this on in a different way.
Clients some-times get quite paranoid about giving such things as the first name of someone they want to look at in their reading.  Please have complete trust in your reader. We hold strong ethics working with Moon Predictions and the reason we were taken on- board with a reputable company.
My spirit guides and I look forward to welcoming you and your guides to a session.  May I also take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2016, IT’LL BE GREAT ALLOW IT IN!


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