16 Jun 2021

Ancient Ways to Predict the Future by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

People have tried to predict the future since the beginning of time, and they have used some very strange things and rituals to do it.

Hieromancy is one of the ancient ways they used, which is divination using entrails of animals or humans using them as a sacrifice. Sometimes the animals were alive, and they studied the entrails as they dropped. This gory practice was also known by other names, and it was popular in Greece and gradually spread throughout the world. In a ritual an animal would be sacrificed and their internal organs with especial attention to the liver which would be inspected carefully. A healthy liver was a good sign for the future but if the liver was not healthy or lacked a lobe then it was believed that doom was imminent. A defect in the animal’s heart was also very bad news, but a healthy heart was very good news.

Extra bloodiness was also not a good sign. There is not much information on how they interpreted the entrails and predicted the future with them, but it was used for many centuries. Bronze life-sized sheep’s livers have been unearthed in the past and they were marked with the names of different gods in each quadrant. So maybe they were used for educational purposes.

Using the blood and bodily fluids however had a category of its own and was called Dririmancy. This practice was usually performed in conjunction with Hieromancy, but it could be used on its own, as it was considered a different practice.

Human sacrifices that were offered would crackle as they burnt, and these crackling sounds would be used to make predictions for the future.

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